Refrigerant Regulations

Trakref® / Refrigerant Regulations
Washington State Regulations Everything You Need to Know Trakref Fexa Solution

Washington State Refrigerant Regulations: Everything You Need to Know

If you manage refrigeration and air conditioning assets, then you're probably already familiar with the challenges presented by leaks of refrigerant gasses, whose repeated phase transitions enable cooling.  In addition to the maintenance and uptime impacts, leaks of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) can be thousands of times more...

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EPA’s AIM Act Revolution: Sweeping Changes in HFC and Refrigerant Rules Set to Forever Transform Use and Handling Practices

The October 6, 2023, rules changes represent the most comprehensive change to refrigerant management since the 1994 Clean Air Act First published refrigerant regulations.  The anticipated updates to the AIM Act, all launched on October 6, 2023.  The Environmental Protection Agency issued 4 major updates: These...

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Exploring EPA Regulations HVACR Technology Changes

Exploring EPA Regulations, HVAC/R Technology Changes, and their intersection between Clean Air Act Revisions, EU’s CSRD, and SEC Scope 1 Reporting on Maintenance, record-keeping, reporting and planning for the year ahead.

Navigating the evolving regulatory landscape of the refrigerant industry starts with understanding that 12.5 Billion Pounds of refrigerant have been vented since 1994 in the US. Refrigerants known by names like freon and F-gasses serve a critical need and serve as a great coolant keeping food...

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Global warming potential: Understanding the refrigerant impact

Global warming potentials and boosting your carbon literacy It's time to enhance your carbon literacy, as evolving regulations are transforming the decision-making process for refrigerant choices across your entire team -- and as the HVAC/R industry evolves under new regulations and scrutiny, it's crucial to recognize...

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A woman sketching a site map

What does the New Jersey Global Warming Response Act mean for HVAC/R?

Understanding the New Jersey Global Warming Response Act When people think of greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide is the first that comes to mind. But few consider the refrigerant in their car's air conditioner, the HVAC unit on their house, or the refrigerator in the kitchen. All...

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Sustainability reporting: How to do it properly

At the recent COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland, the news about our current global warming trajectory and greenhouse gas emissions was fairly dire. We’ve already warmed the planet +1.2°C over pre-industrial averages (as of the summit in 2021)....

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