Trakref® / AIM Act

Deciphering the AIM Act: Unveiling the EPA’s Subsection H Proposed Changes – Part Three of Our In-Depth Series

An Overview of Recent Developments: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recently rolled out a comprehensive trilogy of regulatory amendments. Given the breadth of these changes, we've chosen to break down the updates into more digestible segments. Part 1: The 15 LB rule, Trakref's initial analysis, published...

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EPA’s AIM Act Revolution: Sweeping Changes in HFC and Refrigerant Rules Set to Forever Transform Use and Handling Practices

The October 6, 2023, rules changes represent the most comprehensive change to refrigerant management since the 1994 Clean Air Act First published refrigerant regulations.  The anticipated updates to the AIM Act, all launched on October 6, 2023.  The Environmental Protection Agency issued 4 major updates: These...

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Global Warming Potential Table: 20 years vs. 100, and NY’s new “Trojan Horse”

New York State has a new Senate bill, S6030, which brings up several issues with climate accounting and Global Warming Potential. As noted here, the bill "purports to align New York’s emission accounting methodology with a federal methodology by shifting the measurement of GHG’s (greenhouse...

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City Buildings - Banks

Investment Banking Sustainability: Can the financial sector be the climate change savior?

An interesting new wrinkle emerges in investment banking sustainability Banks are the driving force behind improving transparency through robust ESG reporting. As ESG investing is becoming increasingly important to investors, banks want to get a handle on the risks associated with ESG reporting, and the benefits...

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Sustainability reporting: How to do it properly

At the recent COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland, the news about our current global warming trajectory and greenhouse gas emissions was fairly dire. We’ve already warmed the planet +1.2°C over pre-industrial averages (as of the summit in 2021)....

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