Your Refrigerant Charge Calculator {Updated 2023}

Trakref® / EPA 608  / Your Refrigerant Charge Calculator {Updated 2023}

Your Refrigerant Charge Calculator {Updated 2023}

If you need a simple refrigerant charge calculator and nothing else about how it’s determined, you can access this link and we’ll direct you to our tremendous knowledge and experience around system temperatures, proper system refrigerant charge, line length, and much more.

For now, though, we’re going to walk through some of what makes up a refrigerant charge calculator.

The high level picture of a refrigerant charge calculator

Any uncertainty with your refrigerant leak rate calculations increases your risk and leaves gaps in your maintenance process and refrigerant tracking. EPA 608 regulations don’t look kindly on uncertainty.

Here are some of the major terms you’ll hear around refrigerant charge calculators:

  • Proper system charge
  • Specified system temperatures
  • Environmental loads
  • Settings feedback
  • Air conditioning
  • Charge weight
  • Metric support assists
  • Emerson climate applications
  • Room dimensions
  • Superheat target
  • Operating conditions
  • Refrigeration applications
  • Altered based
  • Psychometric calculations
  • HVAcr check
  • Simply choose superheat
  • Copeland mobile

Here’s the good news for you: to calculate your refrigerant charge, you don’t need to know the particulars of any of these things. We handle all that for you. That’s part of why we exist as a company. We help determine these numbers above, understand your air conditioning and other inputs, and create a refrigerant charge calculator for you.

You stay cold, clean, and compliant.


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However, in the name of leadership understanding how everything fits together, here’s a very broad overview. Reminder, again: if you just are looking for a refrigerant charge calculator, click right here.

What are the two methods for calculating refrigerant leaks, per EPA?

The U.S. EPA in its National Refrigerant Management Program, otherwise known as Section 608, calls out two methods for calculating your refrigerant leak rate:

  1. Annualizing Method
  2. Rolling Average Method


Annualizing Method

This method is “future-oriented” and “considers the amount of time since the last refrigerant addition and then scales that up to provide a leak rate that projects the amount lost over a whole year if not fixed” (81 FR 82272).

Rolling Average Method

This is a retrospective approach to refrigerant leak rates and “accounts for all refrigerant additions over the past 365 days or since the last successful follow-up verification test showing that all identified leaks were successfully repaired (if less than 365 days)” (81 FR 82272).

High-level, what else should you know about a refrigerant charge calculator?

Remember: if you’re looking for a simple refrigerant charge calculator, click here.

Eight high-level things to know, though, about how the EPA looks at these topics around HVACR applications, charge amount, added link, and more:

  1. They are NOT per occurrence leak rates.
  2. They look at a period of 365 days.
  3. They are not just based on weight.
  4. You need to pick a method, and stick with it.

In fact, it states, “the same method must be used for all appliances subject to the leak repair requirements located at an operating facility” (40 CFR Part 82 Subpart F).

  1. If you exceed the maximum allowable refrigerant leak rate for your appliance, you are out of compliance.
  2. And you must repair the leak within 30 days.
  3. Starting on Jan. 1, 2019, per the EPA 608 Update, if you surpass the maximum allowable refrigerant leak rate, you are also subject to mandatory leak inspection requirements.
  4. Plus, starting on Jan. 1, 2019, there is a new reporting requirement for chronically leaking appliances, which gives you all the more reason to ensure your refrigerant leak rates are within compliance.


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In addition to helping you calculate and determine what you need in a regulatory sense, what else can Trakref do?

Many companies are still just catching up on understanding the significant carbon emissions caused by refrigerants. Scope 1 emissions reporting, ESG reporting in general, or social cause reporting. They don’t know how to do it properly, and it falls into poorly-managed, poorly-contextualized processes that use old tech.

Ideally, what you want from any refrigerant management and Scope 1 emission reporting tool is:

  • A way to see and understand the data
  • Task management
  • Some level of automation
  • Clear reporting capabilities

There are more bells and whistles that help out, but those are the core things you need to effectively report Scope 1 emissions.


Here’s what TrakRef can do:

Refrigerant tracking: Trakref provides a centralized platform for tracking refrigerant use across an organization. This includes tracking the amount of refrigerant used, the location of each refrigerant-containing device, and the dates of any maintenance or service activities. By tracking refrigerant use in this way, Trakref can help organizations identify opportunities to reduce their refrigerant use and associated emissions.

Emissions calculations: Trakref can calculate an organization’s refrigerant-related emissions based on the type and amount of refrigerant used, as well as other factors such as equipment age and efficiency. These emissions can then be reported as part of the organization’s overall Scope 1 emissions.

Leak detection: Refrigerant leaks are a common source of emissions in many organizations. Trakref can help organizations detect and address refrigerant leaks quickly, reducing the amount of emissions released into the atmosphere.

Compliance tracking: Trakref can help organizations stay compliant with regulations related to refrigerant use and emissions, such as the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Refrigerant Management Program. By staying compliant with these regulations, organizations can avoid fines and penalties and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.

Easily calculate what you need for reporting: Trakref provides a range of reporting capabilities, including reports on refrigerant use, emissions, leak rates, and compliance. These reports can be used to inform decision-making and to demonstrate progress in reducing emissions and improving environmental performance.

Overall, Trakref can be an important tool for organizations looking to calculate, determine, and manage their Scope 1 emissions related to refrigerant use. By providing a centralized platform for tracking refrigerant use, detecting leaks, and calculating emissions, Trakref can help organizations reduce their environmental impact and meet their ESG goals.


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